D-A-CH Vereinigung für Schulter- und Ellenbogenchirurgie (DVSE) 2022

DVSE Congress is an annual congress organized by the DVSE. The mission of the German, Austrian and Swiss Shoulder Elbow Society (DVSE: D-A-CH Vereinigung für Schulter- und Ellenbogenchirurgie) is to support the ethical practice of evidence-based, high-quality and cost-transparent medicine in its field.

Prof. Andreas Marc Müller, Prof. Laurent Audigé and Dr. Cornelia Baum presented part of the results of the ARCR_Pred study. The main focuses of the presentations were (1) the overall description of the baseline cohort, (2) the development and validation of a model for the prediction of pre-operative pseudoparalysis.

Andreas M. Müller
Andreas M. Müller
Professor in Orthopedic surgery

My research interests are the application of epidemiology to the orthopedic surgery field along with the continuous improvement in surgical techniques and patient outcomes.

Laurent Audigé
Laurent Audigé
Professor of Clinical Epidemiology

My research interests are the implementation of clinical registers and studies in human orthopedics as well as the application of methodological research to classifications and complications.

Cornelia Baum
Cornelia Baum
MD in Orthopedic Surgery

My research interests include the development of imaging in shoulder and elbow surgery, as well as clinical outcome research to support treatment decisions and improve patient outcomes.